Comparison of China and World Nickel Deposits

Iron produced mass ultrabasic magmatic series and Marty magmatic rock series. The former series of ore-bearing rock masses are numerous, and the Martial magma series is only found in local areas.
Mainly formed in the Proterozoic and Hualixi period
There are very few weathering shells in China, mainly nickel sulfide ore.
The main nickel deposits in China are formed by the magma, ore-bearing magma, rich pulp and slurry produced by deep melting after one or more stages.
The world's nickel sulphide ore is more concentrated in the Sudbury, Thompson area of ​​Canada, the Norilsk area of ​​the Soviet Union and the nickel belt in western Australia. More than 50% is related to basic rock mass, and 25% is related to Komati magma
The world's main nickel sulphide ore was formed before 1700 Ma
The world is mainly weathered crust red earth type nickel ore, followed by nickel sulfide ore.
In-situ melting

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