Energy-saving transformers have technical flaws

Energy saving is relatively large in our country began to progress. Energy-saving transformers also dominate the current position. Energy-saving, section village, environmental protection, low noise transformer will gradually compete for the leading role in the market, but the standard, technology, price and other bottlenecks to be broken.

In our country relatively speaking, the energy-saving transformer faces many difficulties in our country. Mainly on the one hand is the strong market demand for energy-saving transformers to promote the other hand, the current energy-saving distribution transformer market fragmented status quo, coupled with low barriers to entry, good and bad enterprises, the lack of definition and standards, technical bottlenecks, high prices, subsidies Not enough constraints and other factors, leading to the promotion of China's energy-saving transformer slow.

At present, China is relatively speaking, there are some shortcomings on the skill level. The demand for energy-saving transformers adds cost. As far as users are concerned, the price is relatively expensive. On the transformer company, the energy-saving transformer in the current is also a broad and unanimous definition and definition of labels to further improve the national energy-saving transformer standards. Some energy-saving transformer manufacturers pointed out that the use of energy-saving distribution transformers for a short time, there are some controversial and users can not completely bear the doubt, such as amorphous alloy distribution transformers after the operation of poor functional stability, poor short circuit resistance, noise and Loss increases. Testing standards and testing skills lag behind product development, the lack of performance can not be the same description of the level of slow process for the product function evaluation, rating system and techniques.

Experts suggest to start the deepening discussion on the operation of energy-saving distribution transformers, in particular, to conduct deepening discussions on distribution transformers based on domestic amorphous alloy ribbons. From the functions of strip material, core structure drawing, core annealing process and product testing, Power and energy pre-evaluation and other aspects of induction, eliminating the user's scruples, the main point of handling amorphous transformer noise and loss increases and other questions. In addition, from the progress of the tape function, especially the domestic strip function to start, consistent and standard strip standard, improve the rate of finished amorphous alloy strip, reduce the cost of energy-saving distribution transformers. Transformer companies will be together in the company for the implementation of energy-saving transformers to make corresponding contributions.

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