Study on the Effect of Light Irradiation on the Growth of Bupleurum chinense in a Light Incubator
North Bupleurum is a common bulk medicine in China. With the development of the pharmaceutical industry in China, the wild amount of Bupleurum chinense can no longer meet the needs. Therefore, artificial cultivation has become an effective way to solve the shortage of Bupleurum chinense medicinal materials. However, the low seedling survival rate of Bupleurum chinense seeds is the most important factor limiting its large-scale planting. Therefore, in order to realize the large-scale cultivation of North Bupleurum, the staff used the light incubator to study the emergence of B. bupleuri in light breeding. The impact of this will provide a theoretical and practical basis for the choice of different ecological environments. Carbon Steel Tube,Welded And Black Steel Pipe,Welded Spiral Steel Pipe,Stainless Steel Welded Pipe Zhonglian Yongsheng Special Steel Co.,Ltd ,
The light incubator is an important environmental control device currently used in the laboratory, and it can accurately control the environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and illuminance, which have a great influence on the germination and growth of seeds, without being affected by the external weather environment. The most important science and technology application.
In general, the seed germination of Bupleurum chinense is mainly affected by seed vigor and seedling conditions, and the seed vigor can be solved by seed selection, and the seedling conditions need to be created manually. After using the light incubator, it was found that lower temperature (15 °C) and higher temperature (25 °C) were not favorable for the emergence of Bupleurum chinense, but they promoted the root activity of the seedlings but promoted the root activity of the seedlings. Effects; Temperature change (15~25 °C) significantly promotes the emergence of Bupleurum chinense; the illumination rate can increase the seedling emergence rate, seedling index, vigor index, and seedling root vitality of the Bupleurum chinense DC at 12 h, but does not increase the emergence rate of Bupleurum chinense DC. Gibberellin, cytokinin, salicylic acid and other seed soaking treatment of Bupleurum, can to a certain extent increase the seed germination and emergence of Bupleurum. Gibberellin can promote the emergence of seedlings and root vigor of B. bupleuri, and salicylic acid can increase the root activity of seedlings. Light, temperature, and hormone treatment all had significant effects on the seedling emergence of Bupleurum chinense, and there were significant interaction effects between the three; the temperature fluctuates at 5 °C above and below 20 °C, and the light is about 8 h daily, and the gibberellin 10×10 is used. -6 hormone treatment is most conducive to increase the emergence rate of North Bupleurum.