The concept of agricultural development with Chinese characteristics: the integration of the development of the first, second and third industries was officially written in the communique

[China Agricultural Machinery Industry News] Recently, the G20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting and series of activities were successfully held in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. At the meeting, European Union officials at the meeting also spoke highly of China's contribution to world food and agricultural development made and look forward to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with China.
The concept of agricultural development with Chinese characteristics: the integration of the development of the first, second and third industries was officially written in the communique
From May 30th to June 4th, the G20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting and series of activities were successfully held in Xi'an, Shaanxi, China. This is one of the four professional conferences of the G20 Hangzhou Summit this year. It is also the third G20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting held in France in 2011 and after Turkey in 2015. It has written a great deal for China's agricultural exchanges and cooperation.
G20 members cover a wide range and are representative, with a population of 2/3 of the world, 60% of the world's land area, 90% of the world's GDP, and 80% of the world's trade. The G20 countries’ initiatives and cooperation in the field of agriculture will greatly influence the world.
It is not difficult to find out that the "G20 Ministers of Agriculture Ministers' Communiqué" issued after the meeting has such a paragraph: "We welcome the current trend of the integration of rural first, second and third industries, and encourage the sharing of leisure agriculture. The experience of innovative formats such as agricultural products, e-commerce, customized agriculture, and urban agricultural solutions (such as high-tech, vertical and indoor agriculture) that drive employment and increase farmers' income."
The integration of the development of the first two or three industries - this agricultural development concept with Chinese characteristics was officially written into the communique, providing China's path for world food security, and also branding a profound Chinese imprint on the global agricultural development blueprint.
“Chinese leaders have mentioned on many occasions that without agricultural development, there will be no sustainable development; without rural reforms, there will be no national development.” Kennameu Nei, Chairman of the International Fund for Agricultural Development, who attended the meeting Wang Ze believes that China's decades of development experience clearly shows that agriculture and rural development are of great significance to the national economy.
“China is currently a major producer and consumer of global agricultural products. I think China plays a central role in global trade, especially in agricultural trade. China is fully capable of coping with global food issues with other countries.” Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, Australia Rui Quillie said.
EU officials also spoke highly of China's contribution to world food and agricultural development and looked forward to strengthening exchanges and cooperation with China. “CEIBS companies can invest in areas such as agriculture. In the future, we are very willing to participate in the formulation of investment strategies between China and the EU,” said FAO Agriculture and Rural Development Commissioner Phil Hogan.
"The attitude of all parties involved is positive and enterprising, and the atmosphere is frank and friendly, demonstrating the G20's firm determination and spirit of cooperation in promoting agricultural development." Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu believes that the G20 Agricultural Entrepreneurs Forum and G20 Agriculture will be held during the G20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting. The meeting of scientists has realized the "three in ones" of entrepreneurs, scientists and the government in the field of agriculture, and explored global cooperation in agriculture and food security from different levels, and achieved the synergy between government and industry in the international sense.
Next year, Germany will be the chairman of the G20 summit. According to the resolution of the Xi'an G20 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting, the German G20 Summit will continue to hold the Conference of Ministers of Agriculture. German Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt called for “the G20 countries have the responsibility and strength to continue consultations in the agricultural sector, promote mutual ties and cooperation, and focus on innovation to make global agriculture more sustainable. ”
(Original title: Global Agricultural Development Blueprint leaves China's mark)

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