Changzhou Pioneer Drying Co., Ltd

Recently, Changzhou Pioneer Dry Co., Ltd. introduced the pelletizer system circular pelletizer - the pellet system system is a method of mixing powder materials and binders into suitable soft materials, and then extruding the soft materials into columnar pellets. Into the spherical shot pebble machine is made of spherical granules with extremely high sphericity, and finally the excess water is dried with a drying device to obtain the desired spherical granules.
Application Overview This system is made by mixing powder material and binder into suitable soft material, and then extruding the soft material into columnar particles and putting it into a spherical shot blasting machine to make spherical particles with extremely high sphericity. Finally, Dry excess water with a drying device to obtain the desired spherical particles.
System components: Mixing + preliminary granulation + rounding + drying + sieving = finished product This machine can be mixed with other machines: CH-trough mixer or other mixers (mixed); granulation: ZL rotary extruding granules Machine or YK rocking granulator (granulator); full circle: QZL round granulator; drying: GFG efficient boiling dryer, FG boiling dryer, oven or other; screening: ZS shaker or other.

Surface Treatment Service

Surface Treatment Service

Shenzhen Yuheng Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. ,