Air scroll compressors are suitable for general applicability

In the process of establishing the model, there are few hypothetical conditions, no empirical parameters are introduced, and the advantages of the previous two models are integrated. The influence of the viscosity of the fluid on the fluid flow is considered, and the influence of the inertial force of the fluid on the leakage is considered. With high precision. Because the model is established from the principle of fluid flow, it is applicable to general air scroll compressors and has certain universal applicability. The downside is that the model is more complicated and the amount of calculation is relatively large.

Two-phase flow leakage model: Recently, a two-phase flow leakage model considering the thickness of the oil film on the wall of the vortex ring has been proposed. When we calculate the leakage of the scroll compressor, we consider the flow as pure gas, liquid phase flow or homogeneous. Flow, and this leakage model is a two-phase flow model, which considers the leakage of gas and liquid phases separately, which is more in line with the actual situation and improves the accuracy of calculating the leakage of scroll compressor. This model simulates the flow in a scroll compressor as an incompressible viscous flow. A parameter for the adhesion rate of the lubricating oil is proposed. This parameter is obtained by tracking the oil particles in the flow field, reflecting the approximate thickness of the oil film on the wall of the scroll. The accuracy and accuracy of the model are proved by comparing the experimental data with the calculated results of the model.

The radial leakage radial leakage is caused by the axial gap between the top end of the orbiting scroll and the bottom of the fixed scroll and the top of the fixed scroll and the bottom of the orbiting scroll, under the action of differential pressure. Quality leakage. There are many factors causing the axial clearance in the axial clearance, such as the machining error of the scroll vortex height, the installation accuracy of the movable scroll and the fixed scroll, the wear and deformation of the compressor profile, and the thrust bearing pressure during the compressor operation. Inconsistent and so on. In a structure in which a compressed gas is introduced to balance the axial force on the back side of the scroll, a change in the gas force also causes a change in the axial gap. In addition, the effect of the overturning moment on the scroll makes the axial gap appear uneven. These factors make the analysis of the axial clearance very difficult. In general engineering applications, the axial clearance is considered to be uniform and equal and a fixed value.

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