Making Contributions to Achieve Green Olympics - Dongfeng Cummins' Olympic Role

The final countdown to the 2008 Beijing Olympics will see Beijing's achievements in atmospheric environmental governance demonstrated before the world. In order to realize the promise of the “Green Olympics” and improve air quality, from the day of the successful bid for the Beijing Olympics in 2001, Beijing has started a series of solid and meticulous work: implementing State III emission standards ahead of schedule; improving routine emissions inspections for motor vehicles. Cleanliness requirements; Environmental performance plays a decisive role in the procurement of new buses and urban special vehicles. In the process of upgrading air quality in Beijing for a period of seven years, the full cooperation and support of domestic auto manufacturers also played a decisive role.

Green Olympics manufacturers have responsibility

Beijing is the country with the largest number of motor vehicles in the country. As of March 2008, the number of registered motor vehicles was 3.2 million. In addition to the rapid increase in the number of gasoline-powered private passenger vehicles, the number of diesel-powered buses and coaches is also very large, and the longer transit time of buses than private cars also makes it possible to control bus emissions and become An important part of improving Beijing’s air quality.

“To improve Beijing's atmosphere, public transport should first be an example.” With this basic consensus, Beijing has been focusing on the Olympic Games since 2001, and has put emission environmental protection in the first place in the selection and procurement of bus vehicles. The domestic passenger car manufacturers and engine manufacturers are also working hard to cooperate with Beijing's atmospheric cleansing work. In 2005, Beijing enforced State III emission standards. All purchased urban public transport and urban sanitation and other special vehicles must meet the National III emission standards. After detailed comparison and bidding, 70% of the 4,000 buses that they purchased throughout the year chose Cummins' all-electrically controlled III engines. This is also the beginning of the Cummins brand's massive support for the Beijing Olympics.

“Because State III emission has just begun to enforce, for the electronically controlled engine, whether it is the entire vehicle manufacturer or the end user, there is a process of running-in, and choosing an international mature brand can bring them proven technology and experience to be fast and effective. Applied to the domestic vehicle." Dongfeng Cummins Engine Company marketing management personnel so analysis. So far, these III buses have been operating on the roads in Beijing for more than three years, and their power has been recognized by bus drivers for their lower emissions, good handling, and economy.

Olympic special service

The successful application of State III bus for more than three years has enabled the Cummins brand to be further enhanced in the electronic control market. As Cummins’ largest joint venture company in China, Dongfeng Cummins Engine Co., Ltd. has been producing State III electronically controlled engines since 2003. And its relationship with the Beijing Olympic Games has also become “zero distance” with the recent batch of vehicles that directly serve Olympic venues. In April 2008, 300 Dongfeng Tianjin sanitation vehicles matched with Dongfeng Cummins electronically controlled engines were officially delivered to Beijing Sanitation Group, and they will be responsible for cleaning the core areas of Zhongnanhai, the State Council, the Great Hall of the People, the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, and the Olympic center area. In July 2008, 15 Dongfeng buses equipped with Dongfeng Cummins hybrid engines were also delivered to the Olympic Organizing Committee for use by peripheral media reporters and athletes; in addition, postal and competition equipment carriers have been delivered. The armed police guarded vehicles such as Olympic cars. In the days when the Olympics was written down, these vehicles have been put into trial operation around the Olympic venues. In the news of the Beijing TV Station, users said that these vehicles are running smoothly, noise control and exhaust emissions are all excellent.

Good products need good application and perfect protection. In order to ensure that the Olympic vehicles are always running at their best, Dongfeng Cummins has also supported the Green Olympics in terms of service, maintenance, and accessories. On the one hand, a dedicated Dongfeng Cummins Olympics service team has been set up, and the service team has elaborated on the Olympic vehicles. The protection plan, and to strengthen the electronic control of the driver and maintenance personnel knowledge training, increase the power of electronic control engine accessories; on the other hand Dongfeng Cumming Site repair service station - Beijing sanitation group Siqing branch service station, but also fully cooperate This work requires the driver to check the vehicle every day, and the repairman conducts a comprehensive daily inspection of the vehicle. Liu Bin, general manager of Dongfeng Cummins Engine Marketing Co., Ltd. stated that during the Olympics, it is the key stage for testing the results of Dongfeng Cummins' service for the Green Olympics. Dongfeng Cummins will mobilize all manpower and material resources to ensure the optimal operation of the Olympic vehicles in all directions and use actual drills to make Dongfeng Cummins products. And the service is up to a new level.

With mature applications, escort for the Olympics

In 2008, the Olympic Games was held in China for the first time. "The Olympics is very important to China. Whether it is a product that directly or indirectly serves the Olympics, if it can be used successfully in previous Olympics, it will increase everyone's confidence in it," said a market observer.

As the world's largest independent engine manufacturer, Cummins Power has been in the past for many Olympic Games in Atlanta, Sydney and Athens. It should be said that among the various engine brands serving the Olympic Games, Cummins Engine has taken advantage of its history of serving the Olympic Games and its mature experience in "Olympic applications." Not only the product, but also the capabilities and resources surrounding the products' support, services, etc., are also important factors for the user's consideration.

At the same time, on the world stage of the Olympic Games, the Green Olympics will make the world stand out against China. Dongfeng Cummins will also enjoy the brand dividend and further promote the development of Dongfeng Cummins by serving the Beijing Olympics.

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