Yulin Energy Chemical Water Crisis Asymptotic

On June 16, another large-scale coal chemical project started construction at the Yulin coal chemical base in northern Shaanxi. The total investment of 60 billion yuan in the Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Group's coal chemical project will be carried out in three phases, including a total investment of 20 billion yuan for the first phase of the project. , to build 1 million tons/year of coal-made methanol, followed by the construction of large-scale dimethyl ether and DMTO (methanol to olefins) project. Right now, while these projects are building up in full swing, the regional water crisis is quietly hitting. According to the reporter's understanding, there is currently no effective program to resolve the water shortage problem in Yulin Energy and Chemical Industry Base.

If the State approved the establishment of Yulin Coal Chemical Industry Base as the first state-level energy and chemical industry base in 2003, the coal chemical, salt chemical, chlor-alkali chemical, and coal-electricity-salt integration projects currently planned for this base have exceeded 65, including There are 16 projects that have been completed or put into operation or are about to be put into operation. According to statistics from the Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, during the "11th Five-Year Plan" period, a total of 300 billion yuan will be invested in coal chemical and salt chemical industries in northern Shaanxi. A senior expert from the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Water Resources predicts that by 2010, Yulin’s economic and social water demand will reach 1.17 billion cubic meters, and by 2020 it will reach 2.4 billion cubic meters. According to the data provided by the local government of Yulin, by 2010, the water resources available for the Yulin area will be 1.15 billion cubic meters, and in the year 2020 it will be only 1.17 billion cubic meters. In other words, the Yulin region will face the “terror”, and the water shortage will reach 1.23 billion cubic meters by 2020. By then, more than half of the people in the area will drink water, and more than half of the factories will be free of water. Moreover, since the Yulin area is located on the edge of the Mu Us Desert, which is arid and semi-arid, the annual precipitation is only 400 mm, while the surface evaporation is 1200 mm. Groundwater resources are precious. In recent years, the disorderly development of groundwater by industrial development has accelerated the loss of groundwater and the deterioration of the ecological environment.

Some obvious examples are: Since the 1980s, the state has invested heavily every year in aerial protection and has been cultivated by countless forest protection people. In recent years, there has been a large area of ​​dry weather due to water shortages; Haizi Lake is dotted with lakes for 10 years. A reduction of 92%; even the once vast red earth alkaloid, the current water area is also reduced by 1/3 compared to 10 years ago.

It is heartening that while the water resources have been drastically reduced and the contradiction between supply and demand has become increasingly prominent, a number of coal chemical, salt chemical, chlor-alkali chemical and coal-fired energy-carrying projects have been launched, engulfing the local poor water resources.

In late April of 2006, the 10 million-ton/year coal indirect liquefaction project with a total investment of 100 billion yuan in Shandong Yankuang Coal Mining Group commenced construction in Yiheng Industrial Park. One month later, China Shenhua Group, South African Sasol Company, Sinopec Group and Shaanxi Investment Group jointly invested 3 billion tons of coal indirect liquefaction and oil production project with a total investment of 30 billion yuan, and it is 600,000 meters away from Yiheng Industrial Park. The Yukio Industrial Park outside Miwa started construction. In November 2006, the Shaanxi DMTO Industrial Demonstration Project with a total investment of 9 billion yuan was invested in the first phase, with a total investment of 5 billion yuan in the first phase, 600,000 tons/year methanol, 200,000 tons/year DMTO, 100,000 tons/year polypropylene, 100,000 Ton/year polyethylene, Sinochem Yiye 600,000 tons/year coal-to-methanol project, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Group's 200,000-ton/year coal-to-methanol project, and 200,000-ton/year acetic acid project were also commenced in the Yuheng Coal Chemical Industry Park. Subsequently, Tianqiao Huanhai Chemical's 150,000-ton/year PVC project, excellent chemical 150,000-ton/year acetic acid project and Shenmu Chemical's 400,000-ton/year coal-to-methanol project were connected. According to the plan, by 2020, the Northern Shaanxi Energy and Chemical Industry Base will produce 20 million tons/year coal-based oil, 27 million tons/year coal-made methanol, 6 million tons/year coal-to-olefins, and 8 million tons olefin chlor-alkali chemical products. Capacity, industrial water consumption will exceed 600 million cubic meters/year.

How to solve such a huge amount of water demand? Shaanxi Province has previously determined four sets of plans: The first plan is to extract surface water from the Wuding River, and build a water storage system for the Wangluo Block Reservoir. The project was started on April 21, 2006 together with the indirect coal liquefaction project of Yankuang Coal Mine and was later grounded due to the unqualified project environmental assessment. To take a step back, even if the project is finally approved, the water source can not meet the needs of the project production.

The second option is to develop groundwater resources, but the local ecology is fragile and the climate is dry. If it is over-exploited, it will inevitably bring about serious ecological problems. “As an example, around the Yulin refinery, when I came to work 12 years ago, local residents drew 3-4 meters from their wells to fetch water, and today they dig 40 meters without necessarily getting water. It will take a long time to extract groundwater, and a large amount of vegetation will be trapped in water and die. The protection forest belts that many generations have been hard to care for will be destroyed once.” A person in charge of the Yulin refinery said with concern.

The third option is to introduce the Yellow River and the Economic Development Project. However, the Yellow River's water quotas have been finalized for the provinces, and the state has very strict control over this. Moreover, as the water volume of the Yellow River has continued to decline in recent years, it has been unable to meet the water demand in the area along the river.

The fourth program is to implement the “South-to-North Water Diversion Project” in Shaanxi Province, which will introduce the Han River water into Guanzhong and Northern Shaanxi. However, as the direct source of water for the Han River in Beijing, whether the state allows the “South-to-North Water Transfer Project” in Shaanxi Province is unsure.

Although the current energy and chemical industry base in northern Shaanxi is facing a water shortage crisis, it has not blocked the pace of construction of industrial projects. “The first-phase indirect liquefaction project of 1,000 tons/year of coal in Yulin—the project of 600,000 tons/year of coal-to-methanol production has started equipment commissioning and will be commissioned soon. The water used is provided by the Big Liuta Reservoir, which is tens of kilometers away. The reservoir has a storage capacity of 7 million cubic meters, still able to meet the production demand, but it is not known how to solve the second and third phases of the project's water use. At present, there are few projects in the park, and water use has become so outstanding. Many large-scale coal chemical and salt chemical projects have been completed and put into production, and the required water resources do not come from anywhere. This is the most worrying aspect. A person in charge of the Yankuang Yulin Project Department told the reporter frankly.

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