New nanomaterials were discovered to eliminate heavy metal contamination

ScienceDaily (ScienceDaily) October 22 news environment there are a large number of toxic metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, zinc, etc., a serious threat to human health. This has led the scientific community to constantly seek new and economically viable methods to detect and remove toxic pollutants from wastewater.

According to the latest water treatment material research results, a new type of nanomaterial called nano silica was discovered, which can be used to remove heavy metal pollution. Nano-silica is an ideal material because of its large surface area and regular pores, and the presence of various organic ligands on the surface, which makes it possible to extract heavy metals from wastewater. Due to the increased pollution, drinking water quality standards are becoming more and more stringent, and this new material can also be used as a highly sensitive heavy metal detection tool. Nanosilica has unique advantages over other water treatment materials.

The design of this nano-silica is based on the reaction of heavy metals with some biomolecules in living cells. Therefore, it is important to understand that the specific functional groups of different heavy metals are important for the capture of living cells, so that the optimal functional groups for surface nanomaterials can be determined. For example, the main functional groups that have been found to bind to heavy metals are aerobic, nitrogen and sulfur.

Researchers from the URJC (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos University of Spain) headed by Dr. Isabel Sierra have made progress in the study of heavy metal removal materials. They use different types of silica, such as MCM-41 and HMS, to make these materials capable of collecting lead and zinc with 5-mercapto-1-methyl.

Their research also shows that these special materials can be used to absorb/desorb heavy metals over several cycles. The advantage of this material is that it can be recycled and reused, with great economic and social benefits.

The research results have been published in the newly published "Journal of SeparationScience" and "JournalofColloidInterfaceScience".

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