Some sub-sectors of equipment manufacturing industry are booming

In the process of accelerating the development of new-type industrialization, China needs to modernize the traditional production methods, and the market demand for machinery and equipment is enormous. In addition, the state has introduced a series of industrial policies and measures to increase efforts to change the mode of economic growth, and continuously increase investment in technical resources to ensure the development of equipment manufacturing. Therefore, with the improvement of independent innovation capabilities and the country’s high priority in revitalizing the equipment manufacturing industry, the equipment manufacturing industry will be the fastest growing sub-sector in the manufacturing industry in the next 5-10 years, and it will also be a golden period for the development of the equipment industry.

A new round of gold development is ushered in. According to the forecast data of China's manufacturing industry in the first 20 years of the 21st century, if the average annual growth rate of GDP in 2000-2010 is 7-7.5%, the average growth rate in 2010-2020 is 6- 6.5% assumes assumptions. Under the background of rapid and steady economic growth in China, equipment manufacturing industry will be the fastest growing industry in the next 5-10 years.

To vigorously develop China's equipment manufacturing industry and make it participate in international market competition, in addition to maintaining China's original cost-performance advantage, we must also improve the capability of independent innovation of equipment manufacturing enterprises, so that China's equipment products in the performance, process, stability, The reliability and other indicators can catch up with the pace of the world or surpass the advanced level of the world.

The development of the equipment manufacturing industry will receive unprecedented attention from the Chinese government during the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period. Currently, the revitalization equipment manufacturing industry has been listed as a major development strategy for the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan”, and a number of opinions have been issued on the revitalization of the equipment manufacturing industry. ”, and clearly stated that by 2010, it is necessary to develop a group of large-scale equipment manufacturing enterprise groups that have strong competitiveness, and to increase the manufacturing capacity of major technical equipment with independent intellectual property rights to basically meet the fields of energy, transportation, raw materials, and national defense construction. Need to wait for the goal. In the comments, the main tasks and key breakthrough areas have been identified, and revitalization measures have been formulated and the work direction has been clarified; and the policies will be strengthened in taxation, financial support, financing support, domestic first major equipment ordering, and import and export tax adjustments. The R&D investment deductions and other aspects of the tax grant to equipment manufacturing companies to support.

The process of industrialization and urbanization in China has accelerated, providing a huge market demand for equipment manufacturing. The combination of policies and market environment will provide China's equipment manufacturing industry with a good opportunity for development. China's equipment manufacturing industry will usher in a new round of gold development.

The growth potential of some sub-sectors is even greater The boom in some sub-sectors in equipment manufacturing has multiple driving forces from internal and external factors. From the combination of the three driving forces of internal and external factors, we can find that the shipbuilding industry, railway transportation equipment manufacturing industry, construction machinery industry, metallurgical and mining equipment manufacturing industry, agricultural machinery, medical equipment, and port lifting equipment have multiple driving forces. factor. Therefore, compared with other sub-sectors of the equipment manufacturing industry, the above sub-sectors will maintain a relatively high degree of prosperity in the future and their growth potential or growth may be higher.

In addition, according to the “China's Manufacturing Industry Development Goals and Forecasts” made by the Chinese Academy of Engineering in the early days, the sub-sectors with rapid annual growth rates in the next 5-10 years are mainly: culture, office supplies machinery manufacturing, electronic computers, The sub-industries such as electrical appliance manufacturing, aerospace manufacturing, shipbuilding, railway transportation equipment manufacturing, agricultural machinery, daily-use electrical appliances and other sub-industries show that some sub-sectors of the equipment industry have good prospects for development.

Chain Conveyor

QUANTUM En Masse and Drag Chain Conveyors are used to convey powdery and granulated products across a range of inclined and vertical installations.

QUANTUM utilizes drop-forged links with case hardened pins, or standard conveyor chains depending on the material to be conveyed & the application.

The conveyor length is limited by the capacity and chain speed, but lengths of 100m and more are not uncommon, with capacities over 600t/hr.

The standard range of QUANTUM En Masse Conveyors comes in 2 grades:

• Light: (QCL Range, specifically designed for typical products Grain , flour, stock feed pellets, paper, pulp-> Specific gravity 750kg/m3)

• Heavy: (QCH Range, specifically designed for Cement, fly ash, sand, woodchips, biomass, coal powder -> Specific gravity 1500kg/m3)

All ranges span from 190-1000mm wide, come with single or dual chain options and have a variety of standard attachments to suit the application. For Bin discharge, we provide multiple strand chain & specially designed hoppers for constant & even emptying.

QUANTUM can provide customized designs, including for high temperature applications and all conveyor arrangement can be designed into horizontal or inclined layout.

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Quantum Conveying Systems Yangzhou Co.,Ltd. ,