State III implement consumer needs to understand the true and false country III

On 26 June, the Ministry of Environmental Protection issued the “Circular on Implementation of the National Phase III Limits for Motor Vehicle Emission Standards” and began to make specific requirements for the implementation of State III emission standards: From July 1, 2008, all production, Imported, sold, and registered light gasoline vehicles and M light diesel vehicles must meet the requirements of the National III standard. In addition, the Ministry of Environmental Protection also requires that light-vehicle manufacturers must take effective measures to ensure that all established vehicles and models comply with the environmental production consistency and in-use vehicles. To this end, the Ministry of Environmental Protection will intensify the inspection of production consistency and punish companies that fail to achieve stable standards and falsification. This is in fact a warning that the behavior of the deck fake country III will be severely punished.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection has made heavy efforts to rectify the market order, regulate market operations, and protect consumer interests. What should consumers pay attention to after implementing State III?

Need to know how to identify true and false country III

It can be expected that under the heavy lifting of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the fake III products will have to be completely eliminated, but for the moment, the reporter still finds in the light truck market that some of the national III products sold by light truck dealers are false III products. Therefore, consumers should be careful to identify, so as not to be fooled.

The general practice of unscrupulous merchants is to use the engine of the National II, but the nameplate of the engine is the model of the National III engine (this is called “deck” in the industry), and it gets tricked. However, the sale and purchase of this type of product is an illegal act. Even if it can be contaminated for a while, the annual inspection and usual sampling will be severe once the annual inspection is found. In addition, the experts also warned consumers, dealers and consumers signed a private agreement (agreement that the vehicle actually does not meet the standard, but can guarantee on the license, the consumer can not pursue the veracity of the vehicle compliance, and follow-up responsibility for their own) violation of the law is an invalid contract It is not legal protection and consumers must be careful.

Therefore, experts recommend that when customers choose the National III Light Truck, they must first look at whether the high pressure common rail engine can be opened to see if the engine has a common rail system. Check if the engine number has any signs of grinding, or let the dealer give a written document. Commitment; There is also a category of “State II Reigning III” or a national III product that claims to have installed a device to meet the standard is completely false country III, and consumers must be careful to distinguish.

Buying the country "new used car" is not worthwhile

As mentioned earlier, many manufacturers that are not in compliance with State III have adopted the practice of hoarding a number of vehicles on the license plate before the implementation of the regulations and selling used vehicles after the implementation of the regulations. Although this practice is not illegal, consumers still have some hidden dangers in purchasing such vehicles.

First of all, first of all, the State II "new used car" is a vehicle that does not meet the current environmental protection requirements and is easily obliged to phase out. For example, Beijing: The current emission standard is State III, but from August 1, there is no standard country III. The products are not allowed into the ring, resulting in the elimination of a large number of national II vehicles forcibly eliminated. The purchase of such countries in the other cities II "new used cars" will still face no small policy risks. Secondly, the “new used car” of the purchasing country II is, after all, a used car, and will face issues of insurability or problems that cannot be defined during the Three Guarantees period. Third, these "new used cars" have a long inventory, and they are also prone to accidents such as returning vehicles for accidents. In addition, problems such as high transfer fees, cumbersome household procedures, the inability of brand names to be selected, the existence of major annual risks, and early retirement of used vehicles all plague users' entire life cycle. Therefore, whether it is support for environmental protection, or the degree of ease of vehicle performance and service, it is recommended that consumers don’t want to go to the country’s “new used car” because they are willing to pay for the reality. It is the most expensive car to purchase a car that meets the legal requirements. Good choice.

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Jiang Jing automobile light card brand manager Liu Jingxian said in an interview with reporters recently that Jiangling light truck will promise not to increase prices this year!
In sharp contrast to this, from the beginning of the year, light truck products have begun to raise prices generally, and the increase in bicycles is around 2,000 yuan. The reporter learned from Foton Motor that the price of the light truck products such as Foton Ao Ling has started to increase by several thousand yuan before the iron ore price increase. According to incomplete statistics, including Dongfeng, Foton, Jianghuai, Ao Ling, Nanjing Iveco and other manufacturers have repeatedly raised prices, and some have risen by 3,000 to 5,000 yuan.

Liu Jingxian said that Jiangling light trucks have already reached the National III standard in advance, so they can effectively absorb the cost of this upgrade.
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