A summary of Indian travel tips: The charm may be in its incredible

Foreign female tourists who like to travel alone in India.

In the past few months, India has repeatedly exposed a series of vicious rape cases. First, domestic women were gang-raped and then foreign tourists were raped. This event not only triggered global concern about the safety of women in India, but also caused many concerns about the safety of tourism in India. Is India a safe country? What are the risks to travel to India?

Behind this series of perplexities is the true portrayal of the lack of adequate understanding of India, the second most populous country in the world.

We summed up the "three major disciplines and eight items of attention" that must be kept in mind when we go to India. If we violate the "three major disciplines," we may expose our body or life to great risks; if we violate the "eight items of attention," we may Will cause serious trouble for your trip. We are not suggesting that everyone is interested in India's SAY NO, but just hope to help readers on their trip to India.
    Taj Mahal, a tourist attraction in India.

Women are not advised to travel alone to India


Women must be highly vigilant

Risk Index:

The repeated incidents of sexual violence have made everyone aware of the potential danger of women travelling in India. The U.S. Department of State does not recommend that women travel alone to India and must pay attention to the evening. The United Kingdom also reminded the women of the country who are traveling to India not to allow themselves to stand alone and at any time.

It is not uncommon for foreigners to encounter sexual assault in India. A pair of Swiss couples camped near a village at night and were attacked and robbed by a number of bandits. Female tourists were gang-raped. The biggest mistake she made was that she did not choose to stay in the hotel at night and expose herself to danger. However, hotel accommodation must not be taken lightly. On the 19th of this month, a British female tourist was injured from the window of the hotel he lived in due to fear of rape.

Of course, incidents of sexual violence are after all a minority, and women face more dangers in India as sexual harassment. The way to avoid sexual harassment is mainly dress and avoid wearing too sexy clothing.


Do not visit religious festivals

Risk Index:

India is rich in religious beliefs and cultural traditions, so there are many lively religious festivals every year. Take the Big Pot Festival as an example. This is known as the world's largest religious festival and has attracted a large number of Hindus to compete in the Ganges for bathing during the festival. Such a religious festival with Indian characteristics will naturally attract foreign tourists. However, please note that the reception capacity of many cities in India is limited, and hundreds of millions of people have flooded into a small city within dozens of days. Not only do they have to face great troubles in terms of food and lodging, but also huge security risks. This year's Big Pot Festival, the railings at the railway station overpass are difficult to withstand crowding and crowding, and the junction breaks, killing nearly 40 people and injuring hundreds. Therefore, if tourists choose to travel to religious holy places on such days, they are bound to face unnecessary risks. At the same time, tourists should avoid visiting sensitive religious sites at sensitive times.


Guerrilla active areas do not go

Risk Index:

In addition to all kinds of religious contradictions, there are still serious rebellions in India. For nearly half a century, the left-wing anti-government armed forces have caused New Delhi headaches. Indian Prime Minister Singh had publicly admitted that half of the country was attacked by guerrillas. Of the 28 states, 13 states are active guerrillas. They often attack local policemen, kidnap rich merchants, attack trains, etc. Take the Bihar state in the northeast as an example, where a large number of religious and cultural heritages have been preserved, but this is the region where guerrilla activities are most frequent. Traveling here is obviously a great risk. Although the “Left” guerrillas seldom use foreign tourists as specific targets, if your train happens to have been seized by the guerrillas, they can only pray for good luck. .

"The Eight Points of Attention" Guarantees Health and Safety

Note one:

Drink only bottled water and do not eat roadside meals

Trouble index:

Almost everyone who goes to India will be wary of eating and drinking water before they go. The Travel Collection LP even recommends that foreign tourists carry medicines that can purify water before they travel to India. Even bottled water is not necessarily safe. LP advises visitors to be sure to check whether the bottle mouth is sealed and whether the bottom of the bottle has been damaged when drinking bottled water. As for food hygiene, we must also be vigilant. Even if you eat at a restaurant, you must not take it lightly. Roadside food stalls may have delicious food you have never tasted, but it may also make you diarrhea for many days.

Note two:

Beware of betrayal drugs

Trouble index:

Many Western tourists have blood and tear lessons. On Indian trains or buses, passengers are occasionally caught by drugs, especially those who travel alone and then robbed. Travellers who are not vigilant will be called up, drink the drinks they provide and fall asleep. Then all the belongings will disappear. It must be remembered that there are quite a few crooks in India. Tourists, such as airports and train stations, are places where Indian swindlers gather. Most of them are rickshaw pullers or taxi drivers. Their purpose is to take you to a hotel that can earn commissions.

    Note three:

A female Swiss gang raped by camping near a village in India.

Urgent toilet paper needs to be prepared early

Trouble index:

India has a very small number of public toilets. Public toilets are usually limited to tourist attractions, such as museums, high-end shopping areas and theaters, but their cleanliness is not the same. More often than not, the health conditions will make it difficult for you to leave. If you have just gone to India and cannot get used to the Indian way, you must prepare your own toilet paper beforehand because you cannot find toilet paper in your local toilet. Due to too few public toilets, many Indians are already accustomed to urinating on the roadside, so you must be mentally prepared.

Note four:

Avoid using the left hand in public

Trouble index:

As mentioned earlier, Indians use their left hand and water as a toilet. Therefore, Indian culture regards the left hand as a symbol of uncleanness. It is important to avoid using your left hand in public places. For example, when picking food at a store, you must not use your left hand to eat. If you need food, you can't use your left hand. If you use your left hand to deliver food to Indians, it may be considered provocative and cause unnecessary trouble, so please do as the Romans do.

Note five:

No time concept, low rate of traffic on time

Trouble index:

Due to the influence of religion and traditional culture, Indians have not pursued material life. Therefore, they have formed a tradition without time concept. So you will find that Indians will not be in a hurry if the heavens fall. If you make an appointment with Indians, it will be normal for him to be half an hour late. For tourists, the immense trouble caused by this is that the on-time rates of trains and other vehicles in India are not high, and many tourists have caused huge troubles on the trip.

Note six:

Anti-no electricity, no net, no cell phone signal

Trouble index:

India’s infrastructure such as electricity, roads, and communications are all seriously lagging behind. The nation’s blackout last August caused half of India’s land and 600 million people to fall into a dark age. In rural and northern undeveloped areas, not only no electricity, no network, and even no cell phone signal. In order to avoid the concern of family members and friends, it is necessary to communicate with family in advance.

Note seven:

Unexpected high English penetration rate

    Trouble index:

India has more than 100 years of history as a British colony. English has also been the official language of India for a long period of time. However, in fact, the popularity of English in India is far from the imagination. The British "Financial Times" estimates that only 5% of Indians can really speak English. At the same time, about 30% of people in India are illiterate. In fact, in India's vast rural areas, almost no one can speak English. In the case of sexual assaults on Swiss women tourists in the past week, for example, because the police could not find a person who could speak English, the victim could not report for a long time and missed the opportunity to arrest criminals. Even more troubling is the fact that Indians have a strong accent in English and foreigners and Indians communicate directly in English is also a very troublesome thing.

Note eight:

Swimming in the Ganges must be careful

Trouble index:

The Ganges River is a holy river worshipped by Hindu worshippers. Every day, many Indians come from all over the country to bathe in the waters of the Ganges, especially the bathing of Varanasi. If you run into an important religious festival, millions of Hindus may rush to the Ganges for bathing. This also means that the water quality of the Ganges River will be filthy. Although there are also a small number of foreign tourists trying to swim in the Ganges, most tourists are daunting. After the Hindu believers die, they will also be cremated by the Ganges River, and the bodies will be washed directly into the Ganges. Some netizens reported that floating bodies were often seen on the banks of the Ganges River.

“You have abused me ten thousand times and I still treat you like a first love”

The charm of India may be incredible.

Recently, a series of negative information about India has frequently appeared in news reports. However, in the online world of China, not everyone has a negative opinion of India, especially those who have been to India many times. They admitted that if they go to India for the first time, they will definitely not be used to it.

However, travelers who have been to India generally believe that as long as you persist for more than two weeks and you gradually get used to it, you will feel its abundance. There are too many things worth exploring and admiring. India is indeed a magical country!

The opinion of netizens “lying and shooting” has won the support of many people. He believes that although India's dirty mess will make you just unbearable and even hate it, but for a long time, you will want to feel a The best way for real India is to get close to it. Of course, the premise must be to bring the "three disciplines and eight items of attention" we have prepared for you.

    Female tourist harassed in a hotel in India.

The image of India in the eyes of Westerners

Almost everyone admits that successive sexual invasions have damaged India's national image. But if you read the reports of the Western media, you will find that there are not many critical reports.

Taking the "Wall Street Journal" as an example, it is more to justify India. The "Wall Street Journal" believes that although such incidents are sad, it is very rare in India.

In 2011, about 6.3 million foreign tourists visited India, of which female tourists account for a large proportion, and many women travel alone. The British reporter Luis, who is based in India, appears in the book “Disregarding the Gods—The Strange Rise of Modern India”. It seems that our understanding of India in the eyes of Westerners is even better. It is both modern and traditional. Both are indispensable. This is the complete image of India.

In Western culture, India is also considered as an Eastern country, but the national image is accepted by the West. Especially after the end of the Cold War, India, which was originally closely related to the former Soviet Union, is now getting closer and closer to the United States. The reason why the West accepts and recognizes India is that apart from India’s long history of being a British colony and the Western colonial sentiment, India’s political system has copied the West and has given them more common language.

The charm of India lies in an unspoken but well-known source: the tools to counterbalance China. Faced with the rapid development of China, the West has felt the pressure. Since it is impossible to curb the rise of China, it will try to minimize the impact of its rise and use other forces to balance its power. As a result, India, as "the world's largest democracy," has become the first choice.

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