Work plan for the special action of the “one dozen, two treatments and five defenses” system in coal mines

I. Guiding ideology

Guided by the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the 3rd and 4th Plenary Sessions of the 18th Central Committee, we will implement the new "Safe Production Law" as the guide and conscientiously implement the basic strategy of governing the country according to law. Vigorously implement the development strategy of “Science and Technology, Science and Technology, Strengthening Security”, strengthen the awareness of “red line”, and build a “bottom line” thinking. Adhere to the principle of "safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management", and continue to effectively carry out "one dozen, two treatments and five preventions" (one dozen: severely crack down on "illegal illegal" production and construction behavior; two governance: "governing and rectifying safety production order, investigation and management of safety hazards "; five anti-:" prevention VAM, controlling water disasters (flood), prevention of roof, prevention and treatment of electrical and mechanical transport and prevention of occupational disease emergence and spread of the accident ") special action, and vigorously promote the coal mining enterprises security" double "Seven", to achieve "double decline, double guarantee" to ensure that the safety production situation of coal mine enterprises throughout the city continued to improve and improve.

Second, the work target

It is planned to use half a year to concentrate the safety supervision personnel of the city, county (district) and engineering and management personnel of coal mining enterprises, and effectively control the total number of coal mine accidents in the city through the effective implementation of the "one dozen, two treatments and five preventions" special actions. The goal of the coal mine enterprise's safe production situation is basically improved.

Third, the work steps

All county (district) coal mine safety supervision departments and XX companies should make full use of coal mines' newspapers, radio, newspapers and other propaganda media to vigorously carry out propaganda and education, improve the safety awareness and self-protection ability of the masses, and continuously strengthen the front line of enterprises. The employee's sense of safety responsibility and safety quality form a full coverage of publicity.

In accordance with the requirements of this special action, all coal mining enterprises immediately organized a comprehensive and thorough “one-on-two-and-five-fighting prevention” special investigation, registered and created the hidden dangers, and formulated rectification plans one by one to ensure rectification measures and responsibilities. , funding, time frame and plan the "five to implement." It is necessary to implement the first responsibility of the main responsible person in the investigation and management of hidden dangers, and implement “who checks, who signs, and who is responsible” for the rectification and acceptance of hidden dangers. The results of self-inspection and self-inspection, rectification plan and progress of the enterprise shall be signed by the mine manager and the chairman of the board of directors, and the coal mine safety supervision department shall check the self-inspection and self-correction of the mine.

Fourth, the specific work and

(1) "One dozen": that is, severely crack down on illegal and illegal production and construction. The coal mine safety supervision departments of all counties (districts) and the Sichuan Coal Guangwang Company shall combine the characteristics of the safety production of coal mines within their jurisdictions, and on the basis of in-depth analysis of accidents in recent years, formulate measures in a targeted manner to firmly grasp the blows. The key enterprises, key positions and key links of governance, the frontier shifts and the shift of focus, the weak links and loopholes in the safe production of coal mines are planned, stepped and targeted, and the coal mining enterprises are urged to strengthen and improve safety production. jobs.

(2) "Two Governances": that is, to rectify and rectify the safe production order, and to investigate and control the hidden dangers of safe production.

1. Governing and rectifying the order of safe production. After half a year of investigation and management of hidden dangers in coal mining enterprises, the hidden safety hazards identified are more prominent, and illegal and illegal production and construction still exist, seriously affecting the safe production of coal mining enterprises. All county (district) coal mine safety supervision departments and Sichuan Coal Guangwang Company must further enhance the sense of urgency and responsibility, make full use of the results of the hidden dangers investigation and management actions, and organically integrate the rectification and safety production order into the “non-regulation” special action. In the process, we will solve the outstanding problems affecting and restricting the safety production of coal mines in our city, further consolidate the basic work of safety production, purify the production environment of coal mines, and ensure that coal mines in our city are legally, orderly and scientifically exploited.

2. Check and manage hidden dangers in production safety. Resolutely implement the main responsibility of investigation, treatment and prevention of hidden dangers. Coal mining enterprises must establish a self-inspection and self-reporting system for hidden dangers, and form a normal mechanism for “classified classification” and “regular inspection, treatment, and review” closed management, and major hidden dangers are reported in a timely manner. Strengthen the safety inspection and safety management of the on-site work, counter the "three violations", put an end to the "three super", eliminate the hidden dangers in the production process in a timely manner, and resolutely fail to produce. The county (district) coal mine safety supervision department, the Sichuan Coal Guangwang Company and the coal-producing township people's government should focus on the management of hidden danger sources, strengthen the supervision and inspection of hidden dangers, and urge coal mining enterprises to record the hidden safety hazards in time. The provincial security hazard investigation and management information system, the municipal bureau will conduct spot checks on the coal mines in the jurisdiction according to the annual inspection law enforcement plan. It is necessary to continue to carry out in-depth investigation and large-scale investigation of hidden dangers of coal mines, and to achieve "one mine, one mine, one mine and one policy", improve the hidden dangers of coal mines, and ensure the effectiveness of work.

(3) Five preventions: prevention and control of ventilation gas, prevention and control of water disasters (water problems), prevention and treatment of roof panels, prevention and control of mechanical and electrical transportation, and prevention and treatment of occupational diseases.

1. Prevention and control of gas and gas accidents. Coal mine enterprises should further strengthen ventilation management and improve ventilation systems. They must adhere to the requirements of “reliable ventilation, standard access, effective monitoring, and management in place”, and firmly grasp “mining deployment, ventilation system, gas drainage, safety monitoring, and on-site management”. "The key links to achieve "three guarantees." The first is to ensure that the system is reasonable. The production level and the mining area must be partitioned and ventilated. At least one dedicated return air must be set in each mining area of ​​the high gas mine, the mining area where the gas mine is easy to mine, and the mining area where the coal seam group and the layered mining are jointly arranged. Lanes are strictly prohibited from wind, breeze and series ventilation; ensure that the ventilation facilities and structures such as fans, dampers and airtights are in good condition; ensure sufficient air volume, independent ventilation in the mining face, and prohibit the production of super-ventilation capacity; To ensure the continuous operation of the main ventilator, it is necessary to establish safety measures for evacuation of the main ventilator due to power failure, and the local ventilator must be designated to be responsible for management to ensure normal operation. The second is to ensure the normal operation of the monitoring and control system. The equipment is complete, the substation and monitoring sensor are installed in the correct position, the quantity is complete, and the relevant data is uploaded in time; the data is accurate and the power is reliable, the sensor must be adjusted according to the regulations, the alarm value, the power-off value and the reset value setting. Accurate, ensure methane over-limit power outage and stop wind and power off function is accurate and reliable; to achieve rapid disposal, we must further improve the gas accident emergency plan and safety monitoring post responsibility system, strictly implement the monitoring room 24-hour duty, find gas over-limit alarm, etc. When abnormal information is obtained, the duty officer must immediately notify the relevant department to take measures to solve it. The third is to ensure that gas management is in place. Establish and improve the gas inspection system strictly. According to the actual situation of mining and deployment, clarify the scope, location and frequency of gas inspections, inspect and select the lines and locations, and strictly implement the “one shot and three inspections” and “three people” during the gas inspection and shooting operations. "Chain" system, adhere to the gas daily report, monitoring the daily statement of the mine manager, the technical person in charge of the audit system, to ensure that the gas inspection "three pairs."

2. Prevention of water damage (water problems) accidents. Nearly forty coal mines that have been closed down have large time spans, complex geological conditions, and different water accumulation conditions in mines. The coal mine safety supervision departments of all counties and districts should take the opportunity of shutting down the coal mine floods as a chance, strictly organize and scientifically coordinate, and conscientiously do a good job in the general survey and treatment of floods, and effectively understand the impacts and threats of shutting down coal mine floods on retaining mines. Take decisive measures to prevent the occurrence of water damage accidents. All coal mining enterprises strictly implement the requirements of the “Regulations on Prevention and Control of Water in Coal Mines” and “Detailed Rules for Prevention and Control of Water in Coal Mines in Sichuan Province”, implement flood prevention and control institutions, personnel and equipment, clarify responsibility for prevention and control of water disasters, and form capacity for water prevention and control; The principles of forecasting, suspected exploration, first exploration and excavation, and first treatment and post-harvesting are strictly enforced. Make full use of the survey results of the current situation of floods, take comprehensive control measures of prevention, blockage, drainage, drainage and interception, and carry out the prevention and control of water disasters. The coal mine safety supervision departments of all counties (districts) shall supervise and guide the retention of targeted measures in the mining area to effectively prevent coal mine flood accidents caused by the closure of mine water.

3. Prevention and control of roof accidents. The problems of impaired safety technical measures, safety management and education and training in coal mines, serious violations of regulations, and poor safety supervision and management are the main causes of roof accidents. All coal mining enterprises should further clarify the responsibility of roof management, strengthen basic technology management, strict on-site safety management, strengthen supervision and assessment management, strengthen training and education, and improve the roof accident analysis system. In particular, it will strengthen the operational skills and safety education and training of on-site operators, and effectively improve the safety awareness of all employees; strengthen on-site management of time-consuming and permanent support for mining operations, and strictly prohibit empty-top operations, and effectively implement “one project and one measure”; Strengthen the safety export management of coal mining face, the end support and column row spacing must meet the requirements, and the coal wall umbrella and roof management must meet the requirements of the operating regulations. The coal mine safety supervision departments of all counties (districts) and the Sichuan Coal Guangwang Company should go deep into the front line, strengthen inspection and guidance, supervise and solve specific problems that hinder safety production, and do a good job in rectifying the roof, and strive to reduce the occurrence of general accidents.

4. Prevention and treatment of electromechanical transportation accidents. The coal mine safety supervision departments and coal mining enterprises of all counties (districts) must attach great importance to the management of coal mine electromechanical transportation. Coal mining enterprises must set up special management and maintenance institutions, clearly in charge the responsible persons, and coordinate the technical personnel. It is necessary to establish and improve procurement and supply management, well inspection, installation handover acceptance, patrol inspection, periodic inspection and inspection, maintenance, overhaul and scrapping elimination systems for electromechanical transportation equipment and materials, and further clarify responsibilities and implement responsibilities. Strengthen the “one slope and three gears” and signal management up and down the transportation, ensure the quality of the transportation track, and ensure that the transportation vehicles and connecting devices meet the requirements. Establish and improve management accounts and technical data files of equipment and facilities, and strictly follow the "Safety Regulations for Coal Mines" to strengthen the maintenance and inspection of equipment and the dynamic management of operational status to ensure good equipment and reliable operation.

5. Prevention and treatment of occupational diseases. The occupational disease problem in the coal industry has become a "blowout" type of outbreak. The county (district) safety supervision bureau, coal mine safety supervision department and Sichuan Coal Guangwang Company must strengthen organizational leadership and improve the system and mechanism to adapt to the daily work of coal mine occupational health. need. All coal mining enterprises shall establish a leading organization for occupational hazard prevention and control, improve the occupational hazard prevention and management mechanism and work system, and provide special and part-time occupational hazard monitoring personnel and sufficient monitoring equipment. It is necessary to give priority to the use of new technologies, new processes, new equipment and new materials that are conducive to the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases, and to carry out health checkups and files for employees before, during and after their posts, in order to strengthen the diagnosis and treatment of occupational diseases. It is required to timely complete the dust detection, treatment and occupational hazard factors in the workplace and the related declaration work.

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