Green mine construction rises to national action

01. The extensive development and utilization model of mineral resources should bid farewell to the times. The pursuit of economic growth and neglect of the required legacy has made us unable to bear it.

Recently, the Ministry of Land Resources, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Environmental Protection, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the construction of green mine" (hereinafter referred to as "the opinions"), and comprehensively promote green Mine construction work. This is quite the industry as a document containing a quantity of gold.

On the morning of May 10, the Ministry of Land and Resources held a video conference on mobilization and deployment of green mine construction, and deployed the construction of green mines. The relevant leaders sent by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and the China Securities Regulatory Commission have all attended the meeting. The construction of green mines is no longer a matter for the individual departments of the Ministry of Land and Resources.

Minister of Land and Resources, Party Secretary and National Land Chief Inspector Jiang Daming made special instructions to require all levels of land and resources authorities, industry associations, geological prospecting units and mining enterprises to seriously implement General Secretary Xi Jinping, “Green Mountain is Jinshan Yinshan "Important thinking, comprehensive implementation of new development concepts, courage to take responsibility, take the initiative, and work hard to develop a new path of green mining development in which resources security and ecological protection are coordinated, mine construction is coordinated with green water and green mountains, and enterprise development is in line with the will of the people. .

Reporters learned that the "opinions" clear coal, petroleum, nonferrous metals, gold, metallurgy, chemicals, non-metallic mines and other seven sectors of green building requirements and green building requirements mining development demonstration area for the sub-sectors, green mining sub-region Construction, as well as local guidelines for the development of specific standards.

Ling Yueming, deputy director of the Ministry of Land and Resources, requested at the video conference on mobilization and deployment of green mines that all localities should try their best to ensure that the tasks are carried out accurately and practically by grasping the strength of Qingshan’s inability to relax, hammering and nailing nails.

Green mine construction has been incorporated into national planning

"Building a green mine is a major measure to accelerate the construction of ecological civilization in the mining industry." Ling Yueming said that the party's 18th National Congress has integrated the construction of ecological civilization into the overall layout of the "five in one" of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and clearly proposed to vigorously promote ecological civilization. Construction, strive to build a beautiful China, and realize the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. This is the new ruling idea and strategy for the country proposed by the central government for the future, which points out the direction for coordinating the harmonious development between man and nature.

The Party Central Committee and the State Council clearly require that we fully understand the extreme importance and urgency of accelerating the construction of ecological civilization, earnestly enhance our sense of responsibility and mission, firmly establish the concept of respecting nature, adapting to nature, and protecting nature, and mobilizing the whole party and the whole society. Action, promote ecological civilization construction in an in-depth and sustained manner, accelerate the formation of a new pattern of modernization in the harmonious development of man and nature, and create a new era of socialist ecological civilization.

Ling Yueming said that mineral resources are an important foundation for national economic and social development. The mining industry is an important pillar industry. The rational development of mineral resources and the transformation and development of mining are important areas for the construction of ecological civilization.

The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the development of the mining industry and environmental protection. General Secretary Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang, Chairman Yu Zhengsheng and Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli and other central leaders have made important instructions on the mineral development of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and Qilian Mountain Nature Reserve, stressing that Adhere to the first ecological protection, fully respect the wishes of the masses, and do a good job in mineral development and ecological protection.

In April 2015, the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of Ecological Civilization" clearly required "developing green mining, accelerating the construction of green mines, promoting the efficient use of mineral resources, improving the recovery rate of resource extraction, the recovery rate of mineral processing and the comprehensive utilization rate. ".

In March 2016, the National “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” outlined “strengthening the construction of green mines and green mining development demonstration zones” as key tasks and major projects. In November 2016, the State Council clearly requested the approval of the “National Mineral Resources Planning (2016~2020)”. “By planning and implementation, by 2020, a green mining development model with high efficiency, environmental friendliness and harmonious mining areas will be basically built.”

"Developing green mining and building green mines is an important part of ecological civilization construction. It is also a major task assigned to us by the Party Central Committee and the State Council. We must conscientiously study, profoundly understand, and effectively unify our thinking and understanding into central decision-making and Work requirements come up." Ling Yueming said.

"China's mining development has made great contributions to economic and social development and the improvement of people's lives and well-being. Most mine construction has implemented the basic national policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment, and rationally utilizing resources and effectively protecting them according to laws and regulations. Environment.” However, Ling Yueming also said without any ignorance that the development and utilization of mineral resources in China is still relatively traditional and extensive, and ecological damage and environmental problems are still very prominent.

The main performances are as follows: First, mining caused land subsidence, especially coal mining subsidence and other serious disasters, which have a huge impact on people's lives and industrial and agricultural production around the mining area. Second, the number of occupied and damaged land is huge, with a cumulative total of more than 3 million hectares. The third is to destroy the regional groundwater system, causing the groundwater level to drop, the spring flow to decrease or even dry up, affecting the ecosystems such as surface vegetation. Fourth, the waste slag wastewater pollutes the water and soil environment. The national solid waste slag accumulation exceeds 48 billion tons, and the annual output of mine wastewater exceeds 11 billion cubic meters.

"These problems have caused a large negative impact on the production and life of the local people. They have become a major concern of the society and the people concerned. Therefore, the social calls for accelerating environmental remediation and transforming the development mode are getting higher and higher, and the task is very urgent." Ling Yueming It is said that we must actively respond to the requirements of the development of the times, respond to social concerns in a timely manner, accelerate the construction of green mines, and strive to improve people's livelihood.

Ling Yueming said that the construction of green mines is an inevitable requirement for the transformation and development of mining industry, and it is also a powerful starting point for deepening the reform of mineral resources management. It is necessary to implement the task of “three to one, one reduction and one supplement” through green mine construction, and strengthen the supply-side structural reform. Accelerate the transformation of government functions, deepen the reform of “distribution management”, strengthen public service, market supervision, environmental protection and other duties, strengthen planning, standards, policy formulation and implementation, and build green development of source prevention, process control, damage compensation, and accountability system.

"Building green mines and developing green mining are the inevitable requirements for accelerating the construction of ecological civilization, and are the major decision-making arrangements made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council." Ling Yueming stressed that it must stand at the height of politics and overall situation, and enhance the sense of responsibility for green mine construction work. A sense of urgency, and strive to create a new situation in the development of green mining.

More than 50 green mining exhibition areas will be built

"We must firmly establish and implement the new development concept put forward by the central government, adapt to grasp and guide the new normal of economic development, and closely focus on the overall requirements of ecological civilization construction, and implement the concept of green development throughout the entire process of mineral resources planning, exploration, development, utilization and protection. Leading the tie to transform and upgrade the traditional mining industry.” Ling Yueming requested that by 2020, a green mining development model with high efficiency, environmental friendliness and harmonious mining areas will be basically built.

The reporter learned that according to the "Implementation Opinions", in the future, all new mines must meet the requirements of green mine construction. The mines being produced must speed up the transformation and upgrading and gradually reach the standard. Ling Yueming said that in the future, more than 50 green mining development demonstration zones will be built, and a number of new models, new mechanisms and new systems that can be replicated and promoted will be formed.

In addition, it will establish a model of thousands of science and technology-led, innovative and driven green mines, implement demonstrations of 100 green exploration projects, develop new exploration and development and utilization of mineral resources, and protect new technologies and methods, and explore new modes of industrial development of resource conservation and intensive recycling. Leading the transformation and development of mining.

Ling Yueming demanded that we should adhere to the mutual promotion of green transformation and management reform, and study and establish a green mine construction work system with national, provincial, municipal, and county level joint creation, enterprise construction, third-party evaluation, and social supervision, and improve green exploration and green mines. Establish a standard system, improve supporting incentive policies, and build a long-term mechanism.

Ling Yueming said that the construction of the standard system is an important basic work. The general idea is that the local first, the industry follow-up, and strive to gradually form a national industry standard or national standard after three to five years of practice. In order to speed up the construction of the standard system, he proposed three major objectives:

First, develop local standards as soon as possible. The "Implementation Opinions" clarified the requirements for the construction of green mines in seven industries, including oil and coal, and made basic provisions in terms of appearance, construction priorities and overall requirements. All localities should combine the practice, adapt to local conditions, refine and quantify, and clarify the indicators of green mine construction such as mine environmental appearance, development and utilization methods, conservation and intensive use, modern mine construction, mine harmony and corporate culture image, and play a "scale" role. Recently, Zhejiang Huzhou issued the first local green mine construction standards, which is in the forefront and can be learned from all over the world.

The second is to timely summarize and formulate industry standards. Under the guidance of the National Standardization Technical Committee, the China Mining Association and various industry associations should strengthen investigation and research, and summarize the industry standards that form regional differentiation, large, medium and small-scale differentiation, distinctive features and simple management. Encourage the development of corporate standards and group standards.

The third is to gradually introduce national mandatory standards. It will work with the National Standardization Technical Committee to summarize the implementation of industry and local standards, conduct research on national standards for green mines, and incorporate them into national standards development plans in a timely manner. Eventually, national standards, industry standards, local standards, and group standards will be formed. Covered, distinctive standard system.

Ling Yueming pointed out that the construction of green mines is a hard task, and there must be hard measures for work promotion. The "Implementation Opinions" stipulates that "for new mines, in the process of transferring new mining rights, the relevant requirements of development methods, resource utilization, environmental management, land reclamation, etc. should be clearly defined in the transfer contract in accordance with the requirements for green mine construction and related standards. Responsibility for breach of contract, promote the planning, design, construction and operation management of new mines in accordance with the requirements of green mine standards."

Ling Yueming stressed that the policy measures are very clear, and all localities must conscientiously implement them. For the production of mines, all localities should be combined with the actual and comprehensive deployment, actively promote the upgrading and transformation, and gradually meet the construction requirements. All industries must highlight key points and reflect their characteristics.

Ling Yueming also made special instructions for the geological exploration industry. Green exploration is an important work content of the geological prospecting industry to practice the new development concept. It is an important means to ensure the sustainable development of geological prospecting work, and must be promoted and implemented throughout the industry. First, we must promptly start the green exploration demonstration project; second, we must strengthen the propaganda of the green exploration concept; third, strengthen the research and development of technology and equipment for green exploration.

Four types of policies are beneficial to promote the construction of green mines

"The six departments jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions", and took out the "real gold and silver" incentive policy measures from four aspects: land use, mining, finance, and finance." Ling Yueming demanded that all localities should profoundly understand and implement the details. Use the foot.

-- Implement mineral resources support policies. For the implementation of the mining quotas and mining rights of the total amount of regulated minerals, in line with the national industrial policy, priority is given to the green mines and green mining development demonstration zones. Large and medium-sized green mines can be used to transfer deep mining rights.

- Guarantee the construction of green mines. First, the planning and planning guarantees. In the adjustment and improvement of the overall land use planning, all localities should incorporate the land for project construction required for green mine construction into the overall planning arrangement, and give priority to ensuring the rational addition of new construction, renovation and expansion of green mines in the annual land use plan. Land use needs. The second is to reduce the cost of land use. For mining land, after the construction land use formalities are handled in accordance with the law, it can be transferred, leased or rented after agreement; the land use can be flexibly selected within the legal maximum transfer period based on the mine production cycle and mining period. The right to transfer the period, the implementation of flexible transfer, and in the land transfer contract agreed to pay the land transfer price in installments. The third is to support green mining enterprises to reinstate the stock of industrial and mining land in a timely manner, and to link with new construction land. The construction of the green mining development demonstration zone and the reclaiming of industrial and mining wasteland, the restoration of mine geological environment, the prevention of soil pollution in the mining area, and the remediation of land will be promoted in a coordinated manner, and relevant pilot and support policies will be applied. Under the premise of meeting the planning and ecological requirements, It is allowed to use the cultivated land that has been reclaimed from the abandoned industrial and mining wasteland for the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation. Fourth, if the mine is damaged due to legal exploitation of the mine and cannot be recovered, it shall be included in the annual change survey after the field investigation and special report review according to relevant regulations. If the cultivated land is involved, the amount of cultivated land shall be reduced according to the actual amount, but the number of local control shall not be exceeded. It is necessary to make up for the basic farmland.

-- Increase support for fiscal and taxation policies. First, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Land and Resources will appropriately tilt the eligible projects in the Green Mining Development Demonstration Zone when arranging the geological and mineral resources survey and evaluation funds. Second, while the local funds are used well, the localities can coordinate the arrangement of geology and mineral resources, mine ecological environment management, heavy metal pollution prevention, land reclamation and other funds, and give priority to supporting eligible projects in the green mining development demonstration zone. Actively coordinate local financial funds, establish a reward system, and reward outstanding green mining enterprises. Third, within the scope of the “High-tech Fields Supported by the State”, if the conditions are met and recognized as high-tech enterprises, the enterprise income tax may be levied at a reduced rate of 15% according to law.

-- Innovative green financial support policies. First, encourage banking financial institutions to research and develop green mine specialty credit products, and increase financial support for environmental restoration and management, prevention and control of heavy metal pollution, and resource recycling. The second is to encourage financial institutions to actively do financial services and financing support for green mining enterprises. The third is to encourage provincial governments to establish green mine project libraries and strengthen support for green credit. Incorporating green mine information into the enterprise credit information system serves as an important reference for banks to handle credit business and other financial institution services. The fourth is to support government-based guarantee institutions to explore the establishment of a structured green mining guarantee fund to provide credit enhancement services for green mining enterprises and projects. Encourage social capital to set up various green mining industry funds to provide financial support for green mine projects. The fifth is to promote the qualified green mining enterprises to list on the domestic small and medium-sized board, the GEM and the main board, and to list the financing of the “New Third Board” and the regional equity market.

The reporter learned that for the green mine standards, a "red list" will be established, incorporated into the corporate credit information system, and the corresponding incentive policies will be enjoyed.

Ling Yueming requested that the China Mining Association and various industry associations continue to play a good role as a bridge between the government and enterprises, promote the implementation of the "Implementation Opinions", unite the majority of mining enterprises, expand the green consensus, strengthen industry self-discipline, and actively guide and promote green Mine construction.

The history of green mine construction

In 2007, at the China International Mining Conference held in Beijing, Xu Shaoshi, then Minister of Land and Resources, put forward the initiative of “developing green mining” at the meeting. Based on the current status of mineral resources utilization in China, the initiative transforms the traditional development and utilization mode characterized by pure consumption of mineral resources, sacrificing ecological environment and high energy consumption, and fundamentally transforms the development mode and economic growth mode. Rational development and utilization of resources and coordinated development of environmental protection.

On November 25, 2008, China Mining Circular Economy Forum was held in Nanning, Guangxi. At the forum, the China Mining Association and 11 large-scale mining enterprises advocated the signing of the "Green Mines Convention", which was widely recognized and positively responded by mining enterprises.

On January 7, 2009, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Land and Resources jointly issued the National Mineral Resources Planning (2008~2015), which put forward the clear requirements for the development of “green mining” and determined the “basic establishment of green mines in 2020”. Strategic goals.

On January 20, 2009, the Fifth Session of the Fourth Session of the China Mining Association was held in Beijing. In order to adhere to the scientific development concept, standardize corporate behavior and strengthen industry self-discipline, fulfill corporate social responsibility, promote green mining, and build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society, the conference adopted the China Mining Federation Green Mining Convention.

On October 20, 2009, China International Mining Conference was held in Tianjin. Comrade Li Keqiang, then Vice Premier of the State Council, sent a letter to the conference and pointed out that under the new situation, the Chinese government will enhance its resource security capabilities as a long-term stable and fast economy. An important task of development, based on domestic, increase geological prospecting, increase resource reserves and supply; promote technological innovation, develop green mining and recycling economy, improve resource extraction and utilization efficiency, and make new contributions to promoting sustainable development in the world ".

On November 8, 2009, the China Mining Association and the Planning Department of the Ministry of Land and Resources held the “2009 China Mining Circular Economy Forum” in Yantai. The theme of the forum was “Green Mines”. At the forum, the person in charge of the Planning Department of the Ministry of Land and Resources said that the Ministry of Land and Resources will actively promote the pilot project of green mine construction and establish a standard system, research and release of relevant incentive support policies, and seven measures to focus on the construction of green mines.

On August 13, 2010, the Ministry of Land and Resources issued the “Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Land and Resources on Implementing the National Mineral Resources Planning and Development of Green Mining to Build Green Mines”, accompanied by the “National Green Mine Basic Conditions”. This is the first clear requirement for the construction of “green mines” in the form of official documents, and is also the guiding document for the development of green mines.

On September 5, 2010, China Mining Association held the “2010 China Mining and Circular Economy Forum” in Datong, Shanxi, with the theme of “Green Mine Construction, Comprehensive Utilization of Resources”, summarizing and introducing mining enterprises to build green mines and promote the development of green mining. The successful practices, achievements, experiences and experiences in the work will promote the healthy development of the national green mine construction work through the use of advanced models and demonstrations.

On March 19, 2011, the Ministry of Land and Resources announced the list of the first batch of “green mines” pilot units, with 37 units including Coal Datang Tashan Coal Mine Co., Ltd. and Xinwen Mining Group Co., Ltd. Huafeng Coal Mine.

On July 18, 2011, the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, China University of Geosciences, and China Mining Association jointly compiled the “Technical Highlights and Outlines for National Green Mine Construction Planning”. This is a summary of the existing experience of “green mines” and an important guiding document for the construction and selection of future “green mines”.

On November 21, 2011, the Fifth Member Congress of China Mining Association held the forum on “Sustainable Use of Resources for Sustainable Economic and Social Development” and the first batch of “Green Mines” enterprises were awarded.

On April 18, 2012, the Ministry of Land and Resources announced the second batch of “green mines” pilot units, and 183 mining enterprises were selected as the second batch of national green mine pilot units.

On June 14, 2012, the Ministry of Land and Resources issued a notice to build more than 600 pilot mines by 2015 to form a standard system and supporting supporting policy measures. From 2015 to 2020, the pilot experience will be fully promoted to achieve a large and medium-sized mine. Mine standards and small-scale mining enterprises shall be managed in accordance with the conditions of green mines and basically form the overall goal of the national green mine pattern. New mines that fail to meet the green standards will not be approved.

Changan Lumin

In April 2022, Changan unveiled a new city car, creating a new Lumin model line dedicated to affordable electric cars. The small 3-door model has been kept in a modern design, distinguished by a round silhouette with characteristic, round headlights and rear lamps and a two-color painted body. The modular EPA0 platform made it possible to create space in the cabin for 4 passengers.

The interior of the Lumin is kept in a minimalist, simple design that limits the surfaces with instruments to a minimum. The dashboard was dominated by a 260 mm (10.25 in) touchscreen multimedia system, and the standard equipment maintained a rich level with, among others, radio, navigation, connectivity with smartphone interfaces and adaptive cruise control.

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