CNC cutting machine troubleshooting

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The use of CNC cutting machine, in addition to the hardware equipment and operating process requirements, the quality of common wear parts and accessories also need to have a certain degree of understanding, cutting nozzle as a key part of CNC flame cutting machine, in peacetime The use of the process, the need for operators to have a better grasp of its quality, the following is the CNC cutting machine manufacturers in many years of production and maintenance work in accordance with the observation of the cutting quality of some of the cutting nozzle failure and treatment methods, hoping to give everyone A little use for reference.
1, the nozzle head and the torch with lax handling after the flame is normal, but open the cutting oxygen regulator valve, the flame immediately extinguished. The reason for this is that the tip of the cutting nozzle and the torch are not uniform. At this point, the cutting nozzle should be tightened. When it is ineffective, the cutting nozzle should be removed and lightly pressed with fine sandpaper. Grind the tip of the mouthpiece until it fits tightly.
2. Keep the cutting nozzle channel clean The cutting nozzle channel should always be kept clean and smooth. Contaminants in the hole should be cleared at any time with a pin.
3. After the ignition of the flame is extinguished, when the preheating oxygen regulating valve is adjusted to adjust the flame, if the flame is extinguished immediately, the reason is that there is dirt in the gas channels or the flare of the nozzle of the injection pipe is not strict, and the cutting nozzle jacket and the inside Improper fit of mouth. At this time, the ejector nut should be tightened; when it is ineffective, the ejector should be removed, the dirt in each gas channel should be removed, and the gap between the torch cover and the inner sleeve should be adjusted and tightened.
4. Select the right cutting nozzle and choose the right cutting nozzle according to the thickness of the cutting workpiece. When assembling the cutting tip, the inner mouth and the outer mouth must be kept concentric so that the cutting oxygen jet is located in the center of the preheating flame. When installing the cutting tip, tighten the cutting tip nut.
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Editor: zgqgjjyw

M Meltblown Nonwoven Production Line

SMS: Spunbond non-woven fabric + meltblown non-woven fabric + spunbonded non-woven fabric = three-layer fiber web hot-rolled, which is a composite non-woven fabric. The non-woven equipment uses a double-bearing enclosed bushing with high precision , The fiber can be fully carded, and the cotton web will be evenly added. Non-woven equipment is mainly a kind of mechanical equipment that uses non-woven fabrics, melt-blown fabrics, etc. as raw materials, and uses the pressure-cutting function of ultrasonic waves to produce filter cotton of various shapes and sizes. It produces spunbonded and melt-blown composite products. , Has the advantages of high strength, good filtering performance, no adhesive, non-toxic and so on. It is non-toxic, tasteless, and highly effective in separating bacteria. Through the special treatment of the equipment, it can achieve antistatic, anti-alcohol, anti-plasma, water repellent and water production properties. Mainly used in medical and health labor protection products such as surgical gowns, surgical caps, protective clothing, hand washing clothes, handbags, etc. The thin SMS non-woven fabric (10-25gsm), due to its waterproof and breathable properties, is especially suitable for the sanitary market, such as sanitary napkins, sanitary pads, baby diapers, adult incontinence diapers, side leakage prevention and backing, etc. Medium-thickness SMS non-woven fabric (25-50gsm), suitable for use in medical treatment, making surgical gowns, surgical wraps, surgical drapes, sterilization bandages, wound placards, plasters, etc. It is also suitable for industrial use. Make work clothes, protective clothing, etc. SMS products are more suitable for high-quality medical protective materials due to their good isolation performance, especially those SMS products that have undergone three anti-static and anti-static treatments, and have been widely used worldwide. Thick SMS products (>55gsm) are widely used as high-efficiency filter materials for various gases and liquids. At the same time, they are also excellent high-efficiency oil-absorbing materials. They are used in industrial waste water degreasing, marine oil cleaning and industrial wipes.

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Changzhou Puyisen Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. ,