Guangzhou CNC realizes a new breakthrough in industrial robots

It is well known that Guangzhou CNC has long been famous in the numerical control system and the machine tool industry. However, in the field of industrial robots, compared with foreign powerhouses such as ABB and FANUC, Guangzhou CNC can only be called a rookie. Guangzhou NC, located in the hinterland of the South China Machinery Processing Center, was keenly aware of changes in the external market environment as early as 2007, including the increase in labor costs and the improvement of factory automation. In this regard, Guangzhou CNC has adjusted its strategic thinking, and has established sales networks in 32 provinces and cities nationwide, as well as agency services abroad. With the brand advantage of Guangzhou CNC, creating a complete industrial chain in the industrial field, extending the upstream and downstream, the manufacture of industrial robots is the embodiment of this strategic thinking.

Guangzhou CNC currently undertakes research on industrial robots and special motors for the National 863 Project and is one of the drafting units of the National Robot Standard. In terms of product development, Guangzhou CNC has created a model they call “parallel R&D”. That is, for each product development project, the company will arrange two or three R&D rooms to conduct research at the same time. This not only improves the speed and level of product development, but also forms an effective internal competition mechanism. The manufactured industrial robots are not marketed, but are used in large quantities in the company's workshops. Industrial robots are produced in accordance with the model of precision and small machine tools. Strict monitoring and other procedures are applied to the manufacture of parts and machines. To ensure the quality of the product.

Guangzhou Data is committed to the development of core technologies, and the main core components of industrial robots, such as control systems and motors, are all independently developed. It is understood that the cost distribution of the four components of industrial robots is 22% for the cost of the body, 24% for the servo, 36% for the reducer and 12% for the controller. If it is not a speed reducer, the cost of controllable CNC can be 58%, and in the future, with the reducer, the ratio will increase to 96%. A high proportion of independent research and development, reasonable price, has always been a magic weapon for Guangzhou CNC to be able to achieve profitability in the CNC system and machine tool industry. Today, Guangzhou CNC has once again extended this practice to industrial robot products. "Now the price of industrial robots in the market is generally between 200,000 and 300,000 yuan. However, because we do our own key components, the price of our industrial robots is only 130,000 yuan." “If you count the cost of post-service and technical support, the price of our products will generally be lower, probably only one-half or even one-third of foreign products,” said the person.

To build a robot manufacturing center in the South, this is the vision that Guangzhou CNC has set for itself. Guangzhou CNC now has its own research institute and R&D team, insists on independent innovation and research and development, and plans to produce 400 industrial robots this year. By 2015, it will complete the production of 1,000 industrial robots, and later to achieve larger-scale production. Guangzhou CNC has made its own path in the manufacture of industrial robots, and laid the foundation for other domestic enterprises.

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