Process and practice of smelting ferromolybdenum by carbon reduction block method

Carbon powder as a reducing agent, reduction molybdenum calcine in an electric furnace to produce ferromolybdenum method is called carbon reduction method or a stacked-block Diantan method. The main reaction in the furnace is:


MoO 3 +C =


Mo+2CO ↑        △ Z 0 = 208707-309.2T ( J )



The smelting from the reaction free energy ΔZ 0 must be carried out after T>675°C (ΔZ 0 <0). This reaction is easily carried out after heating to 675 ° C in an electric furnace. But at the same time, there will be side reactions:


MoO 3 +


Mo 2 C +2CO ↑



â–³Z 0 =214560-315.6T(J)
The formation of Mo 2 C causes the ferromolybdenum to have a high carbon content and a high melting point (Mo 2 C melting point is 2405 ° C). Aileu molybdenum and gold that carbon reduction experienced two steps: First, the heating molybdenum trioxide microparticles vaporous quickly spread to the toner adsorbed on the surface of the carbon particles, the reduction of CO, the reaction of the intermediate oxide Mo 4 O 11 generates CO 2 evolution; in the second step, the intermediate oxide Mo 4 O 11 diffuses into the carbon particles and continues to be reduced to Mo. The reaction formula is:
4MoO 3 +CO=Mo 4 O 11 +CO 2 ↑
â–³x 0 298=-294.7kj/mol


Mo 4 O 11 +C =


Mo+CO ↑



The carbon reduction block method must be smelted in an electric furnace. The capacity of the electric furnace used is usually not large: the capacity of the single-phase electric furnace is 300~500KV A, and the capacity of the three-phase electric furnace is 500~1500KVA. The unit consumption of electricity is about 4,450 kW·h/t. The charge is composed of molybdenum calcine and carbon powder compacts, lime and iron filings. The smelting is carried out by high carbon briquetting smelting (reduction process, the amount of carbon used is higher than the theoretical value of the reaction) and the carbon-deficient briquetting smelting (refining process, the added carbon amount is lower than the theoretical value of the reaction), and the ferromolybdenum to be refined is After the bottom of the furnace is piled up, the furnace is powered off, and the ferromolybdenum is cooled and then refined and packaged. The recovered waste must be smelted in a recovery furnace.

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