The domestic inverter industry warming up the market to mature technology breakthroughs

As a whole, the competition in the inverter industry in China will become increasingly fierce. Because the market is highly tempting, the potential capacity is very considerable, and it constantly attracts new players from the industry. However, the existing market has formed a certain scale and the development is maturing. The future plunder of resources and market warfare will be inevitable. With continuous technological advancements, the stability of product quality has gradually increased, coupled with the advantages of services and prices, the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers will become even stronger.

The domestic inverter industry heats up In recent years, China's inverter product industry has seen rapid growth in total industrial output value. In competition with foreign well-known inverter brand products, domestic inverter companies have accelerated the advancement of the high-end market while consolidating the market position of medium- and low-voltage inverters. The product structure transformation, through the in-depth communication with the frequency converter users, the application of cutting-edge technology, development and production of high-end inverter products to make users satisfied.

Domestic frequency converter market matures to achieve technological breakthrough

Although China's inverter industry started relatively late, domestic inverter equipment manufacturers still have a gap with international brands in terms of technology and brand influence, but domestic inverter equipment manufacturers are not willing to be in the status quo. On the contrary, domestic inverter manufacturers faced the late start and the technical gap was weak. Through long-term exploration and integration of resources through the accumulation of points to achieve technological breakthroughs, in recent years, the domestic inverter market has gradually achieved good results.

Statistics show that in recent years, the total industrial output value of China's inverter product industry has grown rapidly. In the competition with foreign well-known frequency converter brands, Lianjie believes that the domestic inverter companies should accelerate the transformation of the high-end product structure while consolidating the market position of medium- and low-voltage inverters, and communicate with the inverter users in depth. Technology, development and production of high-end converter products that satisfy customers, use product research and development and product innovation to establish brand advantages and achieve brand development.

Domestic inverter equipment manufacturers have surpassed imported inverter products in market share. Domestic inverter companies are continuously narrowing the technological gap with foreign companies. Through technology research and quality control, they have established domestic inverters on the basis of quality assurance. The localization of products applies competitive advantages and fills the gap in the application of inverter products.

High precision and wide range make frequency conversion the first choice for industrial speed control. Vector control methods are used in low voltage frequency conversion and high performance high voltage frequency conversion. Compared to V/f control, vector control significantly improves the speed range and control accuracy.

There is still a certain gap between China's industrial production automation level and the developed countries. The 12th Five-Year Plan proposes to transform and upgrade the manufacturing industry. Among them, the development of advanced equipment and the promotion of manufacturing from large to strong become the direction to guide future development. Frequency conversion technology will be further promoted in the field of industrial speed control and precision control because of its excellent performance. In particular, low-voltage inverter technology, which is widely used in manufacturing industries, is closely related to future development and automation and equipment upgrades.

As a whole, the competition in the inverter industry in China will become increasingly fierce. Because the market is highly tempting, the potential capacity is very considerable, and it constantly attracts new players from the industry. However, the existing market has formed a certain scale and the development is maturing. The future plunder of resources and market warfare will be inevitable. With continuous technological advancements, the stability of product quality has gradually increased, coupled with the advantages of services and prices, the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers will become even stronger.

From the perspective of demand, inverters are gradually becoming more diversified, and the emergence of general-purpose and special-purpose products is to meet the diverse needs of users. In addition, inverter manufacturers also pay more attention to product quality and use safety, and actively seek greater breakthroughs, making the inverter can work well in harsh environments, and ensure the use of safety and the user's normal production.

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