·The fuel cell vehicle evaluation working group kick-off meeting was successfully held in Tianjin

On September 12, 2017, the kick-off meeting of the fuel cell vehicle evaluation working group sponsored by the Automotive Testing Research Institute of China Automotive Technology Research Center was successfully held in Tianjin. More than 80 experts and representatives from the Automotive Engineering Society, Tsinghua University, Tongji, Jida, Tianda, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and 32 domestic and foreign vehicle and component companies attended the conference. Wu Zhixin, deputy director of the China Automobile Center, and Zhou Hua, director of the Institute of Testing, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The meeting was hosted by Fang Maodong, chief engineer of the laboratory.
At the meeting, Wu Zhixin made a brief analysis of the current status and trends of fuel cell vehicles. I hope that everyone will work together to promote the progress and development of the fuel cell vehicle industry. Zhou Hua highlighted the work of the test site in the construction and improvement of fuel cell vehicle testing capabilities, and expounded the importance of fuel cell vehicle evaluation work. Dr. Hao Dong from the laboratory introduced the establishment background, operation mode and FCV evaluation system construction of the working group. Dr. Liang Cong introduced the testing capabilities of fuel cell vehicles and key components. A number of experts from SAIC, BAIC, Yutong, Tongji, Tsinghua, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian Xinyuan, Beijing Yihuatong and Shanghai Yuhua made a keynote speech. The delegates conducted in-depth research on fuel cell vehicles and key components. discuss.
The fuel cell vehicle evaluation team will focus on test evaluation, study and formulate test specifications and evaluation methods for fuel cell vehicles, and conduct joint research and technical research among members of the joint group. The laboratory will also supplement and improve the special equipment and testing capabilities of fuel cell vehicles as soon as possible, and provide complete technical services for fuel cell vehicle R&D and product regulation testing, and help the development of China's fuel cell vehicle industry.

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